
Telekom Healthcare Solutions

Deutsche Telekom Healthcare and Security Solutions GmbH

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
E-mail: info@telekom-healthcare·com
Phone: +49 228 181-0

Business Address::
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Management Board:
Dr. Gottfried Ludewig, Janine Haschke , Dr. Malte Debus

Trade Register:
Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 20695
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bonn
USt-IdNr.: DE119356176

Deutsche Telekom Clinical Solutions GmbH

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
E-mail: info@telekom-healthcare·com

Business Address:
Besselstr. 18, 68219 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 846012220

Management Board:
Janine Haschke , Dr. Malte Debus

Trade Register:
Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 13278
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bonn
USt-IdNr.: DE254935158

Supervisory Authority:
Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways
Tulpenfeld 4, D-53113 Bonn



Responsible for the Internet presence:

Deutsche Telekom Healthcare & Security Solutions GmbH

Janine Haschke , Dr. Malte Debus
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn
E-mail: janine.ehlert@t-systems·com / Malte.debus@telekom·de 
Phone: +49 228 181-78878


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